Balcon del Alferez

Location : Balcon del Alferez, Jalapa Enríquez, Mexico

Balcon del Alferez

Balcon del Alferez

Hoteles Prado del Río
Mesón del Alférez y Posada del Cafeto. Situación, instalaciones, servicios, reservas y contacto.
Balcon Del Alferez, Xalapa, Mexico Overview | priceline.com
Research Balcon Del Alferez in Xalapa, Mexico. Read hotel reviews, view hotel photos and get expert travel advice for nearby restaurants, attractions, things to do
Booking.com: Hotel Balcon del Alferez , Jalapa Enríquez, Mexico ...
Balcon del Alferez is located in central Xalapa, just 1 block from the citys main square.
Hotel Balcón del Alférez - Hoteles Prado del Río
Balcon del Alférez offers comfortable and ample rooms in the city center, complements the Meson del Alferez offering modern suites for short and long stays.
Balcon del Alferez - Hotel | Facebook
Balcon del Alferez. 8 likes · 0 talking about this. Hotel
Balcon del Alferez, Xalapa - Compare Deals
The Balcon del Alferez offers elegant accommodation in a colonial setting in the outskirts of Xalapa. Free Wi-Fi internet access is available for all guests.
balcon del alferez|Prolongacion Allende, 6. Colonia CentroXalapa,91000
Prolongacion Allende, 6. Colonia Centro 91000 Xalapa . MAKE A BOOKING ; Facilities ; LOCATION ; PHOTO GALLERY
Balcon del Alferez in Xalapa, Mexico - Lonely Planet
Book your stay at Balcon del Alferez and get advice on accommodation options in Xalapa from Lonely Planet's independent on-the-ground travel writers.
Balcon del Alferez - Xalapa Hotels - KAYAK
Find deals and compare rates from KAYAK and others. Save 25% or more. View photos and read reviews for the Balcon del Alferez, Xalapa.
Reservations - Hotel Balcon Del Alferez
Hotel Balcon de Alferez Do you need assistance? Telephone: +52(228) 8180 113 +52(228) 8186 351 Phone / Fax: +52(228) 8186 351 E-Mail: balcon@pradodelrio.com